Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thats life, sad but true

Do we all say, "That's life, sad but true" and continue living it the way we are? Will things get better or worse - what do you think? Will our children's moralities be different from ours?

That is what Suvro asks in his last blog.

An attempted answer to that.
If you have not read the blog let me try & give you an idea what it is all about.
On the day of the recent earth-quake in China the people at Suvro's office were more concerned about the changes of dynamics in the market (due to the earthquake) & make a profit from it. Suvro feels that the lust for money/power has actually killed of the basic humane feelings.
I am compelled to agree with him.
I as sorry to say but i think i have joined the bandwagon.
In my daily task currently i have to track news & report the most likely one's which affect the price movement of Oil. When i first saw the news "100 Dead in Nigerian Oil-Pipeline Burst" my first reaction was "supply disruption.... Oil is going to go up. Chris should make sure to keep the ask high." I am ashamed to say that i have become hard enough to think about my work even when i am staring at death.
The military trains the cadets daily by shooting at dummies. This ensures in an actual battle the person at whom the cadet is shooting is perceived as a object & not a flesh & blood alive person. A person with a family, with emotions, desires, believes etc.
We are slowly being ground to work. No emotions involved. What difference does it make if a 100 dies or a 150. There are billions of people in this world. Those 100-150 would not make a dent. All that matters is making money. For money you need to work. If that work requires you to stamp on other people then do it. If it requires you to push some-one off the bus do it. If you are not ready to do so then move aside there are millions to take your place & don't expect us to look at you with a scorn.
The society today looks up at those people who are as it is commonly said "successful". Today success is defined by how high u are in the corporate ladder. How much money you have in your pocket. The more ruthless you are the more followers you would get (got reminded of the AIM matchboxes). The more followers the more admired would you be.
Money the revolving point. What does money give us? Everything as per some. They are not entirely untrue actually. Whatever the average bloke desires is got only through exchange of money. If you want a good pasta pay for it. If you want a good drink pay for it. If you want a breadth of clean air pay for it. If you want a good-looking wife then pay. (I know quite a few (females) would jump up to oppose this statement but i honestly believe that the money(possible) in the pocket of the prospective groom is one of the criteria. & why should it not be. Evolution has changed the criteria but the female must hunt down the best male it comes across to breed.)
We need money for everything. We are made to believe so & there are no situation that we come across which would even make us stop for a moment to think in the contrary. & if we do stop, society would instantly start rebuking us.
A team-mate of mine went for a Sunday NGO work. I was amazed by the smirks on the faces of the rest of the team. Most believed that there is either a good looking girl in the NGO or the guy is fattening up his CV to apply to some college.
A clean intent is mostly mis-interpreted.

Why have we become so mentally deranged? Why have we stopped looking at things which are around us & only focus at an piece of paper(or should i say plastic) which gives material stuff. How many of us would stop from biting into a slice of Pizza & give a thought for the farmer who has waded in the rains through his field to ensure that it was the wheat which was growing properly & not the weed. Or for the person who has stood in front of the hot oven to create the perfectly done pizza. Or even for the delivery boy who has ridden a contraption on 2 wheels at a breakneck speed to ensure that you get the pizza in time.
We sadly have learn't not to look beyond 'I'. Family & close friends belong to the 1st ring around 'I'. Acquaintances, distant relatives or friends who don't have prospects of returns are just people 'I' know. Anyone beyond this is just a faceless person. 'I' would primarily ensure 'I''s happiness. Which according to 'Every-one' is got from money. So 'I' would do anything for to ensure there is a steady stream of money. 'I' would do some thing so the 1st ring stays closer insulating 'I' from any form of disruption of his happiness. & to show off his success 'I' must have a big gas-guzzling car to drive from his home to the market which is actually less than 2 minutes walk. So that he can justify the gym at his AC home which his coveted friends would admire when they visit. Who cares about the mason who was forced to work late because the rich contractor promised extra 100 if the job gets completed in 1 day instead of the 2.
It is a chain effect actually. The Rich ignores the middle class & cant even see that the poor. The middle class aspires to be climb up to be with the rich. In doing so it ignores the poor too. The poor in its clamber to escape the confines of being poor cant afford to look beyond himself. In between everyone suddenly has just mission in life. Make money. Become richer even more. & the end justifies the means. A mad dash for an end which never existed.

I have been going round & round for quite some-time now. Sadly this keeps going round & round in my mind. I am sorry to be rambling on something which we all know. So what is the solution. Be the lone person who stops working? Not earn & die from lack of food, proper sanitation & friends around?
I am sorry to say i am coward & i would not be able to do so. I would hide behind my responsibilities & liabilities & keep running after money which gives happiness at most 1ce a month. But my conscious also needs to be assuaged a bit too. So i would try not to waste. Not to under-cut someone else to ensure my own rise. & give respect to all person i come across. This is perhaps the least that i believe everyone of us do. Smile. Makes the world slightly less gloomy to live in.

& about the future generation? Sorry Suvro i am not yet in a position to think about my own kids. The very idea of being responsible & trying to bring up someone gives me shivers.
We have not yet been able to take responsibility of our own actions. This would cost us. I fear that the future generation would be much more ruthless than us. They would actually not look beyond 'I'. The 1st ring would be for showing-off all other just faceless entities who are actually enemies trying to upsurge the position they currently are in.
I wish some miracle would proof me wrong but with the way we are diving full-steam it is not long before nature & natural instincts takes over fully & makes a premature end to the world that we are currently used to


Souro said...

well said chatu da ... truths of life ... and as i said .. results of evolution.
But there is something which we still can change ... there are somepoints where I somewhat disagree with you ... will discuss those in my next blog.
But from the core of my heart .. it was great to read and very thought provoking ..

Souro said...