Sunday, May 18, 2008

A bit about Me

here goes some points which are very close to my heart...
love is...whn some1 breaks ur heart...n the most amazing part is tat u still love the person wth every broken piece

plz dont ask the reason of this. Just a quote which i feel captures the essence of LOVE very well
1 Chinese proverb

if a man knows not that he knows not, then he is a FOOL. SHUN him
if a man knows that he knows not, then he is MODEST. ENLIGHTEN him
if a man knows not that he knows, then he is ASLEEP. AWAKEN him
if a man knows that he knows, then he is WISE. FOLLOW him
Friendship is a priceless giftthat cannot be bought or sold,But its value is far greaterthan a mountain made of gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless,it can neither see nor hearAnd in the time of troubleit is powerless to cheer...
It has no ears to listenNor heart to understand,It cannot bring you comfortor reach out a helping hand.
So when you ask for a giftbe thankful if i sendnot diamonds, pearls or richesbut the love as a real true friendcoz tatz all i hav 2 offer

Typically i would say about myself that i am a happy go lucky guy with out a care in this world But has far 2 many responsibilities to shoulder than what he can bear.... but would complete all jobs he has in hand at all costs

About friends i firmly beleive that
Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.

And i also request

Dont walk in front of me, I may not follow.Dont walk behind me, I may not lead.Walk beside me and be my friend. ....


If i were allowed to change my name..... (not that i have any desire for it. Mine is a good enough though i often wonder if i can live up to it) i would love to take LUCIFER INCARNATE

And for those who have been a bit of confusion abt the name Lucifer.... Lucifer in latin means bearer of light. i hope to bring a bit of light in any form (preferably as a smile) to all those ppl i come across.i also consider Lucifer as a character made famous by Milton & the Bible not as the synonym of evil, but some1 who asked questions against the rules & is ready 2 think out for himself than accept watevr he is order 2 do....

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